Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tip # 1: Thou Shalt Be Hydrated!

Topic: Water and Hydration
H2O, "a very good place to start" :).

No person wants to have a raisin for a brain (isn't that true? ;)). Yet, when we don't drink a sufficient amount of water, that is exactly what we are turning our cells into. Cells get dehydrated because of a process called osmosis. Basically, this means that when the percentage of water in the cell is more than the percentage of water in the blood, the water in the cell will move out of the cell to balance the water in the blood, consequently dehydrating the cell.
"Dehydrated cells are inefficient. When the cell is dehydrated, there is not as much fluid inside. This causes the outside membrane to “wrinkle” which makes it more difficult for things to cross the membrane. Essential nutrients like oxygen cannot enter the cell as readily, and it is also more difficult for things like metabolic waste to leave. If your cells are not exchanging nutrients appropriately, they are not functioning properly. If your cells are not functioning optimally, how can your body?." The answer is: it can't.
Also, a frequent cause of chronic pain can be attributed to dehydration.
There are two reasons why dehydration would cause pain: First of all, the concentration of acids and toxins in the bloodstream is sensed, and warning signals are sent to the brain. These signals are interpreted as pain.

Second, "the lubricating layer of tissue that surrounds bones and joints dry out. This causes the surfaces to rub together which causes inflammation. The inflammatory response sends out chemical messengers to the brain that something is wrong. These warning signals are perceived as pain."
You can read the full article on dehydration here.

It is recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

If you were to follow the above advice, how many ounces of water would you be drinking each year?

One woman cared for 70 children in an orphanage in Liberia. This particular orphanage had a cistern which was supposed to hold their drinking water. Every once in a while, a person came to fill it, but nobody had been here for a long time, and the cistern was empty. In the heat of Africa, with no water, this woman and the 70 children had no water. Can you imagine?
Missions groups all over the world seek to give water to people who suffer lack. And yet we do not partake of the abundant supply we have here?

Jesus is the Living Water. (John 4) Drinking deeply of Him we need never thirst again! Not so with physical water, however. Hydration is not a one-time event physically.

Water's cheap! Almost free, even, for many of us. Drinking water instead of soda or other drinks saves your money as well as your health. Sodas have lots of high fructose corn syrup. This spikes your blood sugar, causing an insulin dump, and as a result, it aids in the development of diabetes.

It can be quite hard to remember to drink water. It may help if you keep your water bottle with you, perhaps you could get creative with how to attach it to your belt or something. Have fun with the challenge!


  1. Great job, Christy!
    Those pictures are really neat. How dehydrated do you have to be before your cells start 'raisin-ing'? Do coffee, tea, and soda dehydrate you?
    Thanks for posting!

  2. Symptoms of dehydration are first noticed when the loss of fluid is at 2.5%. Loss of 10% fluid is considered an emergency.
    Yes, coffee and tea (caffeinated or decaffeinated) are both diuretics. So it is much better for a person to drink pure water to get hydrated :). As for the soda, caffeine is a mild diuretic, so will cause you to lose water. If there is high sodium content in the soda, that will also cause dehydration.

    I hope this answers your questions! :)
    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Okay, so let's say I only drank half what I was supposed to. What category does that fall into?

    Ah; neat. Is coffee or soda worse?

  4. I'm not sure how dehydrated that would make you. However, when you experience a loss of water, your body will try to retain the water that it gets.
    In my opinion, soda is worse (sodium, high fructose corn syrup, etc...). But I have yet to hear all the arguments about that ;).

  5. Very wise, girls. The best thing you could have done to get me to approve this blog idea is talk about my favorite subject, water. :) Nice job, Christy!
    And, from my little bit of research, I think soda is worse than coffee--especially diet soda.

  6. I'm pretty sure soda is worse, primarily through sugars ingested, and total lack of natural ingredients. Diet soda has a lot of odd chemicals to substitute for sugar, which can be even worse. Anyway, yes, soda is probably more detrimental, affecting teeth, causing obesity through too much sugars, diabetes... just drink water :P
    - Matthew (not sure why my name is coming up as Spencer)

  7. Yeah, I think soda's worse, especially diet. Water is the best!

    -Katie (known on buzz as Leah) ;)

    PS. Thanks for commenting!
    PPS. I thought so, Hannah. :)


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